question from a user
AlphaMD's Answer
These are perfectly reasonable options. Currently we and other TRT providers can dispense Sermorelin, though not long ago it was permissible to work the the other peptides you mentioned as well. We've seen success from men who have used them together. In relation to HGH, they are safer & *far* easier to have prescribed since HGH is very controlled. In terms of muscle mass and growth, they work well, and may assist with cutting body fat in the long term but in the short term there is typically some water weight retention while on these. That is why you tend to do 5 days on & 2 days off weekly.For pure fat loss, GLP-1s tend to help more in that area, which also pairs well with TRT as the T helps maintain muscle mass as you are dieting.
In terms of what we can recommend via current official pharmacy offerings, Sermorelin would be a good boost. We could also anecdotally suggest that Ipamorelin / CJC with or without dac is a solid pept... See Full Answer
We do, though they are more tightly focused than a full on peptide provider. This is because we can only work with peptides that are available from pharmacies & approved for human consumption. Our mai... See Full Answer
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