Questions about GONADORELIN

Find answers to commonly asked questions about GONADORELIN, administration, and benefits.

A patient asked

What have you found to be best for fertility with your patients, clomid or something like hcg+fsh? Obviously people react differently on different med...

AlphaMD's answer

With our patients, we have had more success with hCG. This may have to do with the fact that more of our patients prefer hCG to clomid. Every patient ...

A patient asked

When the HCG gets here should I do em both? I've seen them used together with a mixed bag of opinions. It's just 1 vile I will not be getting anymore ...

AlphaMD's answer

Once the hCG arrives, you should discontinue the gonadorelin.

A patient asked

So I've been on TRT for 6 months, my clinic doubled my dose when I was at 615 with normal E2 levels then 3 months later. I'm only at like 718 and my E...

AlphaMD's answer

You already paid for it, there is no harm in trying it. It’s true, gonadorelin is a poor substitute for hCG, and has little benefit for this purpose, ...

A patient asked

Do you offer peptides and if so can you talk a little bit about which ones you offer and the possible benefits?

AlphaMD's answer

We do, though they are more tightly focused than a full on peptide provider. This is because we can only work with peptides that are available from ph...

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