Find answers to commonly asked questions about Oxandrolone (Anavar), administration, and benefits.
Do you prescribe Anavar for people already on TRT from their primary doctor?
I’d be interested in hearing about your prices on Nandrolone and Anavar. I am through Royal medical now but have Been looking for a cheaper plan or on...
For our ancillary medications, we try to keep them as low as possible as long as you are a current TRT member. You only pay when you need an order for...
For Nandrolone and Anavar, I’m assuming you would cycle them on and off due to liver and kidney health still, correct? As for nandrolone , do you usu...
Yes, cycling on and off would be appropriate.
Do you all prescribe nandrolone and Anavar? What purpose outside of crushing SHBG or possibly adding some dht does Anavar have in therapy? Wouldn’t ...
Yes, we prescribe both nandrolone and Anavar.
Currently on 125mg per week. Levels 1050 test estrogen in range etc. all blood work good for over 1.5 years. Currently no sides. But light facial acn...
As far as additional medications to supplement your TRT to advance your physique; your primary options (legally speaking) of anabolic/androgenic stero...
How much does oxandrolone cost from you guys? And what can it be prescribed for? I’ve heard about people getting it prescribed for body recomp, but no...
For Oxandrolone/Anavar it is an ancillary medication which means it would be handled by a single payment for typically a 90 day supply at a time. It w...
Please send us your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Normally within 2 business days.
Can oxandrolone can heart problems/chest pains? I had it but was also anxious at the time of taking, and it seemed to cause chest pains. UNLESS that ...
It has no known cardiac effects, but is known to trigger anxiety in some people.
Why would my provider not allow me to use deca with anavar?
Without knowing more about your specific situation, or reason for needing all these medications, all I can say is that more is not always better and t...
What are your thoughts on using Deca and/or Anavar alongside TRT?
Perfectly normal & we do support this. Those are both legal medications to prescribe, though they cannot be prescribed en masse for all patients witho...
You prescribe Oxandrolone? Just curious is this common or is there a specific individual that is eligible for or benefits from this treatment?
We do, as needed. I hope you don't mind me copying another answer I just made which talks about Oxandrolone/Nandrolone. Those are both legal medicatio...
Do you recommend taking dhea with test? I have sides of high estrogen because of my weight. Do you service California? What is your average dosage for...
Taking DHEA with TRT is perfectly fine, and can help balance hormones slightly. Though in cases like what you describe, it's generally better to add a...
How often do doctors prescribe something like oxandrolone or nandrolone in addition to a regular testosterone protocol for TRT? Some people claim that...
I feel like Oxandrolone & Nandrolone in TRT need their own videos to talk about them, so we'll do that this week, then share it here when done.There's...
Beyond burn victims and people with diseases related to muscle wasting how does someone qualify for ND or Anavar? Also how much information do you pr...
As someone who also works in nursing homes, I have prescribed Anavar for chronic wounds and general reconditioning and wasting syndromes. These patien...
I’ve got a pile (sorry) since I’m debating switching providers. Since you are telemedicine how do you handle the yearly physical? Is it a requirement...
How do you address patients that started with low libido and continue to have low libido/worse libido since starting TRT?
Libido is one of the hardest hypogonadal symptoms to dial in correctly. Part of this is because libido is not entirely hormonal and is confounded by e...
Do you prescribe anavar for Trt or alongside Trt? If so how would that effect the monthly subscription?
There are appropriate use cases for Anavar & some of our members have used it short term. In general it depends on the dose & available costs at the t...
Do you offer oxandralone?
My next question if you don’t mind, is fat loss on TRT. Are there certain types of TRT that are better for aiding fat loss? I’ve been lifting heavy fo...
Typically finding that ideal range of high benefits to low side effects will be the best course of action when using TRT for fat loss. There isn't too...
Do you prescribe nandrolone, oxandrolone, or stanozolol? If so, what are some legitimate reasons you could and would prescribe each one of these to s...
Yes, yes, and yes. Some variability between states when it comes to availability, but most states have most of these. As long as you have good reason ...
I’m currently on 120mg split 2x weekly and gives me a trough of 750. Is this a good trough for that amount? Also I want to add oxandrolone to my proto...
For 120mg weekly to give you 750, that sounds great. If you're feeling good at that level and how you want to be without side effect, I wouldn't bothe...
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