question from a user
AlphaMD's Answer
Our normal TRT program is $129 a month, and our normal Tirzepatide program is $386 a month. (Though if you wanted to use Semaglutide as your GLP-1, that is $286 a month). The 25% discount to TRT drops the cost down of it to $96.75. You would not need to make separate consultations either, you can just mention it during whichever consultation you schedule.
It is intriguing. Oral testosterone is likely the future of TRT, though there are not many studies yet on the true efficacy of them. Currently, all safe forms of oral testosterone are on patent (Jaten... See Full Answer
Almost all clinics are going to cost around an average of $130-150 a month, despite whatever they say, for baseline TRT (no HCG). There are some like TRT nation that have people defending what sounds ... See Full Answer
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