For traditional TRT, aka non-bodybuilding levels of Testosterone, this is almost what we would consider the opposite. Testosterone in men helps to maintain metabolism & low Testosterone often leads to... See Full Answer
For your first question, this can impact your Testosterone levels if you're not resting properly. I'll barrow from one of our earlier replies: "The majority of your Testosterone is produced and releas... See Full Answer
This could be a number of things. The first could be simply due to the time of testing relative to the last injection being different from the last test. The second & what is potentially likely here b... See Full Answer
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Roid rage is one of the most common myths out there, and it's damaging not just to the individual concerned, but to society as a whole. We want people to feel comfortable and confident when choosing TRT for themselves, and to not be mislead by false stereotypes that just aren't true.
In this video, we're debunking the popular myth of "roid rage" and revealing the true effects of testosterone.
At AlphaMD, we're here to help. Feel free to ask us any question you would like about TRT, medical weightloss, ED, or other topics related to men's health. Or take a moment to browse through our past questions.
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Brian Mckinley: Hey, welcome back to AlphaMD. My name is Brian. And today, we're going to be specifically talking about roid rage and irritability. This is a very common concern for people who are starting It comes a lot from Hollywood tropes and stereotypes that really have no bases in science. The popular belief of steroid use routinely resulting in powerful. Sorts of anger and Turned roid rage is not actually proven by any study. Researchers that do exist in that field. Have found that such a negative emotions and effects are more likely to be rare and very difficult to predict from TRT use alone.
Brian Mckinley: There are some studies in the past that have shown that there could be negative emotions associated with that. But the major thing that they failed to capture in those studies simultaneously other than just that they were on TRT was that they were on street drugs and other stimulants and those are indeed likely to produce effects of negative emotions irritability. However, in proper studies that have looked at the effects of TRT both on mood and irritability found. Instead, that TRT generally increased self-esteem, improved vigor libido. You're personal perceived, image and power and your ability to concentrate
Brian Mckinley: So basically testosterone when studied correctly and discussed correctly and not based on stereotypes, it generally causes more likely to be less depressed. You have more positive moods and way less likely to actually have anger or mood swings. Which is again, the main concern that a lot of people starting TRT are a little confused on so, if you're worried about irritability, or if you're worried about the roid rage aspect of this, or your loved ones Starting TRT is actually likely to help you with these issues, especially if you currently are suffering from them because not only does it improve your mood and does not cause these negative emotions, you're going to be feeling better about yourself. You're going to be improving your physique, you're going to be improving how you look, your body composition is going to improve, you're going to have more confidence. So not only by taking
Brian Mckinley: Testosterone and Trt is your mood going to improve but just your overall perception of yourself is going to improve, which again, is going to boost your mood, give you that positive feeling So it wouldn't be a real concern. What we're going to do is link some of these studies below, so you can review them. But TRT doesn't cause negative mood swings. It improves them, thank you. And have a good day.
For traditional TRT, aka non-bodybuilding levels of Testosterone, this is almost what we would consider the opposite. Testosterone in men helps to maintain metabolism & low Testosterone often leads to... See Full Answer
For your first question, this can impact your Testosterone levels if you're not resting properly. I'll barrow from one of our earlier replies: "The majority of your Testosterone is produced and releas... See Full Answer
This could be a number of things. The first could be simply due to the time of testing relative to the last injection being different from the last test. The second & what is potentially likely here b... See Full Answer
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