Resource Videos

Have questions about testosterone treatment or medical weightloss? Please check out the resources below to help answer all your questions.

Unlock Your Potential: Major Military Discount on TRT for Veterans & Active Members
Unlock Your Potential: Major Military Discount on TRT for Veterans & Active Members
Unfortunately, many veterans and active members find themselves left behind when it comes to access to affordable testosterone therapy. We're discussing how we will improve access to care for active military and veterans, and why we feel it is important.

~ AlphaMD

Long-term TRT, Testosterone Injections, & Muscle Strength Benefits
Long-term TRT, Testosterone Injections, & Muscle Strength Benefits
We'll discuss the long-term benefits of testosterone therapy and explain the different types of testosterone injections available. Scar tissue may actually be a good thing for muscle strength.

~ AlphaMD

Under or Overweight, the Hidden Danger of Low T (Podcast Excerpt)
Under or Overweight, the Hidden Danger of Low T (Podcast Excerpt)
In this excerpt from our podcast, we discuss the hidden danger of low testosterone when young. Low testosterone can lead to weight gain, energy loss, being unable to gain weight, and many other health problems. We look at recent studies around steroid use in younger age groups as well as our personal experiences to talk about the subject.

~ AlphaMD

Men: Are Hollywood Expectations Ruining You? (Podcast Excerpt)
Men: Are Hollywood Expectations Ruining You? (Podcast Excerpt)
In this podcast excerpt, we explore Hollywood's negative standards on the expectations of men.

If you're a male in the US, chances are you've been affected by Hollywood's expectations for men. From what men are supposed to look like to how men are supposed to act, Hollywood is having a major impact on men. In this podcast excerpt, we explore what's happening and discuss the ways in which men are coping or suffering.

~ AlphaMD

Unveiling the MYTH of Roid Rage: What Testosterone REALLY Does
Unveiling the MYTH of Roid Rage: What Testosterone REALLY Does
Roid rage is one of the most common myths out there, and it's damaging not just to the individual concerned, but to society as a whole. We want people to feel comfortable and confident when choosing TRT for themselves, and to not be mislead by false stereotypes that just aren't true.

In this video, we're debunking the popular myth of "roid rage" and revealing the true effects of testosterone.

~ AlphaMD

What is Toxic Masculinity: Problem or Symptom? (Podcast Excerpt)
What is Toxic Masculinity: Problem or Symptom? (Podcast Excerpt)
In this podcast excerpt, we discuss the concept of toxic masculinity. We explore the definition of toxic masculinity, its origins, and its consequences. We also discuss whether toxic masculinity is a problem or a symptom.

~ AlphaMD

Who Struggles More With Body Standards? Men vs Women
Who Struggles More With Body Standards? Men vs Women
This is an excerpt from our longer most recent Podcast style video on body Dysmorphia. In this video, we're going to explore the question: who struggles more with body standards? Men vs. Women.

~ AlphaMD

Unrealistic Expectations for MEN? Male Body Dysmorphia vs Women's Body Positivity
Unrealistic Expectations for MEN? Male Body Dysmorphia vs Women's Body Positivity
In this video podcast, we're taking a lighter look at a topic: Men's Body Dysmorphia & where's their body positivity movement?! A healthy dose of our personal opinions included.

Unrealistic expectations for men can lead to men's body dysmorphia, or a severely distorted view of their own body. Men's body dysmorphia is a serious issue that affects a large number of men, and it can lead to a number of negative consequences. We're discussing the differences between men's body dysmorphia and women's body dysmorphic disorder, what societies expectations are for each, and how testosterone plays a role in these disorders.

~ AlphaMD

#1 Best ED & Libido Treatment 2025
#1 Best ED & Libido Treatment 2025
In this video, we're sharing with you the #1 best ED treatment 2025. This treatment is currently the best available and has been proven to be effective in treating both Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Libido problems. There are others that also work well for men or are the perfect supplement for ED treatment.

~ AlphaMD

MEN: Does Increasing Testosterone Help Treat Depression?
MEN: Does Increasing Testosterone Help Treat Depression?
As you may know, testosterone is a hormone responsible for promoting growth, strength and sex drive in men. Recent studies have shown that increasing testosterone levels can help treat depression and anxiety in men. So if you're struggling with depression, increasing your testosterone levels will likely improve these.

~ AlphaMD

Start Hormone Optimization NOW! Lifestyle Modifications
Start Hormone Optimization NOW! Lifestyle Modifications
By starting hormone optimization, you can improve your quality of life and achieve your health and fitness goals. We'll discuss the different types of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and how to use lifestyle modifications to optimize your testosterone levels.

~ AlphaMD

Trestolone Decanoate: This Steroid Stays in Your System For __?!
Trestolone Decanoate: This Steroid Stays in Your System For __?!
In this video, we'll discuss the long half life of Trestolone Decanoate and how you should be aware of any side effects because of that. We'll also discuss how this medication was designed and why it may become a good choice for male birth control in the future.

Although this is not a current legally prescribed steroid for TRT or to be paired with Testosterone use, there are current studies that may change that in the future.

~ AlphaMD

Below 200mg Testosterone: Is Anastrozole (AIs) Necessary?
Below 200mg Testosterone: Is Anastrozole (AIs) Necessary?
Are you wondering if Anastrozole (an AI) is necessary when your Testosterone treatment falls below 200mg? In this video, we discuss what it looks like going towards 200mg or above, and why it might be better to stay below that threshold for most men.

Anastrozole is a medication used to treat breast cancer, prostate cancer, and prevent the body from shifting Testosterone into Estrogen. However it's also another medication you need to take when on TRT if you're someone to sensitive to aromatizing. Some men find it preferable to avoid this by staying below a certain treatment threshold, or find benefit by having an acceptable amount of additional estrogen.

~ AlphaMD

Start Your TRT Journey: The Beginners Guide to Testosterone
Start Your TRT Journey: The Beginners Guide to Testosterone
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is gaining attention as a powerful solution for individuals experiencing the effects of low testosterone (Low T). In this introductory video from AlphaMD, Brian, a knowledgeable provider, breaks down the essentials of TRT, discussing its purpose, benefits, myths, and the importance of proper medical guidance. Here's everything you need to know about TRT from this insightful presentation.

~ AlphaMD

Boosting Testosterone Without the Gym: 5 Home Tips!
Boosting Testosterone Without the Gym: 5 Home Tips!
Testosterone is a cornerstone of male vitality—affecting everything from energy levels and mood to muscle mass and libido. While medical solutions like Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can be life-changing for individuals with significantly low levels, there are also everyday lifestyle changes that can make a measurable difference. In a recent video, Brian from Alpha MD shared five practical tips to elevate testosterone production naturally. Below is an overview of his advice:

~ AlphaMD

How Much Testosterone is Too Much? TRT Provider's Opinion
How Much Testosterone is Too Much? TRT Provider's Opinion
In this video, we speak with a TRT provider about how sometimes higher testosterone can be too much, and how less may just be more in terms of testosterone levels. They discuss the pros and cons of testosterone therapy, and offer their opinion on how much testosterone may be too much for some people.

~ AlphaMD

Why Low Testosterone Is Secretly Threatening Your Health...
Why Low Testosterone Is Secretly Threatening Your Health...
Low testosterone (Low T) is a growing concern among men today, with significant implications for physical health, relationships, and overall well-being. In a recent YouTube video, AlphaMD provider Brian highlights the five biggest dangers of Low T and emphasizes the importance of awareness, testing, and appropriate treatment. Here’s a summary of the key points:

~ AlphaMD

TRT & Your Relationships: 5 Main Changes Your Wife Will Notice
TRT & Your Relationships: 5 Main Changes Your Wife Will Notice
In a recent video from AlphaMD, the spotlight is on how testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) impacts marital relationships. Many individuals considering TRT wonder how their spouse will perceive the changes. According to the speaker, TRT not only enhances individual health and vitality but often strengthens marriages. Here’s a look at the key takeaways.

~ AlphaMD

Does Ostarine MK-2866 work? Can it replace Testosterone? SARM & TRT Discussion
Does Ostarine MK-2866 work? Can it replace Testosterone? SARM & TRT Discussion
In this video, we're going to be discussing Ostarine MK-2866, a SARM that is often considered to be a potential replacement for testosterone. We'll be looking at the evidence behind Ostarine MK-2866, as well as answering any questions you might have about it.

It should be noted again, despite the disclaimer in this video, that SARMs are not for human consumption nor regulated by the FDA. They cannot be prescribed & we cannot recommend them. This is for educational purposed.

Link to current Reddit AMA about this topic:

~ AlphaMD

Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Lead to Penile Growth? Lighthearted.
Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Lead to Penile Growth? Lighthearted.
In this very casual video, we'll explore the topic of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and its potential effects on male sex growth.

~ AlphaMD

Unexpected Effects of Andarine GTx-007 (SARM)
Unexpected Effects of Andarine GTx-007 (SARM)
In this video, we'll be discussing the unexpected effects of Andarine GTx-007, testosterone and TRT. We'll cover topics like androgenic side effects, liver toxicity, hair loss and more.

~ AlphaMD

Which Protein Powder is right? TRT & Testosterone Fitness
Which Protein Powder is right? TRT & Testosterone Fitness
Start of fitness focused videos from AlphaMD, to get the most out of your TRT treatment.

~ AlphaMD

Does Testolone RAD140 Replace Testosterone Therapy?
Does Testolone RAD140 Replace Testosterone Therapy?
n this video, we're going to discuss RAD140, Testolone, SARMs, TRT, and testosterone with a medical provider. If you're looking for a Medical Provider that can help you with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), Testolone knowledge, or SARMs education, then be sure to watch this video!

It should be noted again, despite the disclaimer in this video, that SARMs are not for human consumption nor regulated by the FDA. They cannot be prescribed & we cannot recommend them. This is for educational purposed.

Link to current Reddit AMA about this topic:

~ AlphaMD

Deca-Durabolin (Deca) / Nandrolone and TRT - Reddit AMA Answers
Deca-Durabolin (Deca) / Nandrolone and TRT - Reddit AMA Answers
In this AMA, we're answering questions on Deca-Durabolin (Deca) / Nandrolone and TRT from the Reddit community.

~ AlphaMD

Anavar / Oxandrolone for TRT? Reddit AMA Answers
Anavar / Oxandrolone for TRT? Reddit AMA Answers
In this AMA response, we'll be answering questions about the use of Anavar and Oxandrolone for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

If you're looking for advice on using Anavar or Oxandrolone for TRT, check out this video or feel free to join us for a consultation to clear up any questions.

~ AlphaMD

Injections. Muscle (IM) or Fat (SubQ)? - Reddit AMA #2, Part 4
Injections. Muscle (IM) or Fat (SubQ)? - Reddit AMA #2, Part 4
Excerpt from our second Reddit AMA podcast video: When it comes to doing TRT injections, what's better; IM or SubQ?

~ AlphaMD

Finasteride. Topical or Oral? Major Side Effects - Reddit AMA #2, Part 3
Finasteride. Topical or Oral? Major Side Effects - Reddit AMA #2, Part 3
Excerpt from our second Reddit AMA podcast video: What is Finasteride? is Topical or Oral better? Are there risks in taking it?

~ AlphaMD

HCG vs Testosterone - Reddit AMA #2, Part 2
HCG vs Testosterone - Reddit AMA #2, Part 2
Excerpt from our second Reddit AMA podcast video: What is HCG? What does it do? Is it better than Testosterone?

~ AlphaMD

Heart Rate & TRT? Extrasystole? - Reddit AMA #2, Part 1
Heart Rate & TRT? Extrasystole? - Reddit AMA #2, Part 1
Excerpt from our second Reddit AMA podcast video: What is Extrasystole? Does Testosterone cause it? How does heart rate change on TRT?

~ AlphaMD

Reddit AMA Podcast #2, Ask the Professionals
Reddit AMA Podcast #2, Ask the Professionals
Our next Reddit AMA podcast video, multiple questions pulled from an AMA thread. Individual questions found on our channel's AMA playlist:

Reddit AMA #2 Thread:

~ AlphaMD

Allergic to TRT? Dosing Schedule? - Reddit AMA #1, Part 5
Allergic to TRT? Dosing Schedule? - Reddit AMA #1, Part 5
Excerpt from our first Reddit AMA podcast video: Can someone be allergic to Testosterone? Other aspects of a TRT program? A bit of discussion on a dosing schedule included.

~ AlphaMD

Pancreatitis & TRT - Reddit AMA #1, Part 4
Pancreatitis & TRT - Reddit AMA #1, Part 4
Excerpt from our first Reddit AMA podcast video: Can pancreatitis be caused or be related to TRT programs?

~ AlphaMD

Testosterone Quality & Online TRT - Reddit AMA #1, Part 3
Testosterone Quality & Online TRT - Reddit AMA #1, Part 3
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has gained significant attention in recent years, and many men are discovering that specialized clinics can often address their needs better than traditional healthcare settings. Yet, not all TRT clinics offer the same level of expertise, product quality, or pricing. In a recent discussion, an Alpha MD provider broke down the reasons why these clinics differ—and how to find the right fit for you. Below is a summary of the key points.

~ AlphaMD

Enclomiphene & Low Dose TRT - Reddit AMA #1, Part 2
Enclomiphene & Low Dose TRT - Reddit AMA #1, Part 2
What can enclomiphene do, how does it work? Would you use it with a low dose TRT regimen?

~ AlphaMD

Aromatase Inhibitors - Reddit AMA #1, Part 1
Aromatase Inhibitors - Reddit AMA #1, Part 1
Excerpt from our first Reddit AMA podcast video: What are aromatase inhibitors? Who should use them and why? Are they the same for everyone?

~ AlphaMD

Reddit AMA #1 Podcast Style, Asking Professionals
Reddit AMA #1 Podcast Style, Asking Professionals
Our first full Reddit AMA podcast video, multiple questions covered pulled from an AMA thread. Individual questions found on our channel's AMA playlist:

Reddit AMA #1 Thread:

~ AlphaMD

Diet, Exercise, & Lifestyle Tips
Diet, Exercise, & Lifestyle Tips
Happy New Years from AlphaMD. Here's some tips for helping with your health related goals from our provider Garrett Soames.

~ AlphaMD

Illegal Steroids & TRT Programs, Switching to Safe
Illegal Steroids & TRT Programs, Switching to Safe
What makes a steroid legal or illegal? Is Testosterone a steroid? Why be unsafe when you can switch to being monitored by a professional?

~ AlphaMD

What does TRT feel like?
What does TRT feel like?
In this video interview, Brian from AlphaMD, shares his personal journey of transformation through TRT. Despite being physically fit, Brian experienced low testosterone, which impacted his mental, emotional, and physical health. His story sheds light on the life-changing benefits of TRT and why he’s passionate about helping others explore this therapy.

~ AlphaMD

TRT Providers: Liver King (Brian Johnson), Natty or Not
TRT Providers: Liver King (Brian Johnson), Natty or Not
In the fitness and bodybuilding community, there’s no shortage of personalities claiming to be “100% natural” (or “natty”) while sporting physiques that raise eyebrows. Recently, Brian Johnson—better known as the Liver King—found himself in the middle of a major scandal. Despite heavily promoting an all-natural lifestyle centered on raw organ meats and ancestral supplements, leaked emails revealed extensive steroid use. Below is a breakdown of how this story unfolded and why it has caused such a stir in the fitness world.

~ AlphaMD

Best Treatment for ED
Best Treatment for ED
What is the best treatment for ED or low Libido out there? It's simple & we can help you.

~ AlphaMD

Fertility & Testosterone: The Impact of TRT on Male Fertility: What You Need to Know
Fertility & Testosterone: The Impact of TRT on Male Fertility: What You Need to Know
How does testosterone change a man's fertility? In the short term? The long term?

~ AlphaMD

Starting TRT: What to and not to be concerned about with Testosterone
Starting TRT: What to and not to be concerned about with Testosterone
What do people worry about when starting TRT? What isn't an actual concern? What should you know?

~ Alpha MD

Why is Testosterone Dropping?
Why is Testosterone Dropping?
What's changed in the world where we need more TRT services? Why is your Testosterone lower than men in the past?

~ AlphaMD

TRT Experts: Natty or Not, The Setup
TRT Experts: Natty or Not, The Setup
AlphaMD’s new YouTube series, “Natty or Not,” dives into one of the most intriguing topics in fitness and pop culture: Are the incredible physiques of celebrities and athletes achieved naturally, or do they involve the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs? This engaging series aims to set realistic expectations for audiences and foster a better understanding of what’s achievable naturally.

~ AlphaMD

Why have the number of TRT clinics increased?
Why have the number of TRT clinics increased?
The number of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) clinics has surged in recent years, fueled by growing awareness of declining testosterone levels among men and changing healthcare dynamics. This AlphaMD YouTube video explores the factors behind this trend and sheds light on the reasons more men are seeking TRT than ever before.

~ AlphaMD

Testosterone Creams vs Injections: Comparing Testosterone Replacement Therapy Methods
Testosterone Creams vs Injections: Comparing Testosterone Replacement Therapy Methods
When considering testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), patients often face a choice between injections and topical creams. Each option has its pros and cons, but as explained in a recent AlphaMD YouTube video, injections offer more consistent and superior results. Here’s an in-depth look at the differences between these two TRT methods to help you make an informed decision.

~ AlphaMD

Why Doesn't Insurance Cover TRT?
Why Doesn't Insurance Cover TRT?
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has emerged as a vital treatment for men experiencing low testosterone, but one of the most common questions patients have is: Why isn’t TRT covered by insurance? In a this YouTube video, AlphaMD explains the reasons behind this gap and how their personalized approach sets them apart from the competition.

~ AlphaMD

Facial Redness on Testosterone
Facial Redness on Testosterone
In this YouTube video, AlphaMD addresses a frequently asked question: Can testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cause facial redness or flushing? While the concern is valid, the video provides a reassuring explanation that debunks misconceptions and offers practical advice.

~ AlphaMD

Low Libido Causes & Treatments
Low Libido Causes & Treatments
Low libido can be a frustrating experience, impacting relationships and overall well-being. While testosterone levels are often the first thing people blame, there are actually multiple factors that can affect sex drive. In a recent conversation, a healthcare provider at Alpha MD broke down some of the underlying causes of low libido—and how to address them, both medically and with everyday solutions. Here’s an overview of the key points.

~ AlphaMD

Can you have too much Testosterone?
Can you have too much Testosterone?
AlphaMD's Brian McKinley discusses the myths and reality of having too much testosterone in your body.

~ AlphaMD

Is Gynecomastia a real concern?
Is Gynecomastia a real concern?
When exploring Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), men often worry about potential side effects—particularly gynecomastia, or the development of excess breast tissue. In a recent conversation, a healthcare expert outlined why gynecomastia is extremely rare among men on properly monitored TRT programs, how it occurs in the body, and what can be done to both prevent and treat it when necessary. Here’s what you need to know:

~ AlphaMD

The Medical Risks and Signs of Low Testosterone
The Medical Risks and Signs of Low Testosterone
From weight gain, increased risks of heart attacks and stokes, and having a low libido. AlphaMD's Garrett Soames breaks down the risks and signs of having low testosterone.

~ AlphaMD

Testosterone & Heart Attacks
Testosterone & Heart Attacks
It’s no secret that Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has historically carried a stigma—particularly regarding heart health. Older studies from the 1980s suggested a link between testosterone usage and an increased risk of heart attacks. As a result, regulatory agencies placed a “black box” warning on testosterone products. In a recent discussion, a provider at Alpha MD shed light on why those initial conclusions may have been flawed and how more recent, higher-quality research demonstrates very different outcomes. Here’s what you need to know:

~ AlphaMD

Concerns From Spouse and Friends
Concerns From Spouse and Friends
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has long been the subject of debate, speculation, and misunderstanding. From fears of “roid rage” and heart problems to questions about infidelity, confusion abounds. In a conversation titled “Concerns From Spouse and Friends,” several key points emerged that help clear up the most common misconceptions about TRT and demonstrate why this treatment can be both safe and transformative for men suffering from low testosterone (hypogonadism). Below, we break down the highlights.

~ AlphaMD